Project Redesign: Better Self-Publishing Blog Curation

project redesign

To my avid readers, commenters, and loyal followers – THANK YOU!

It has been almost a month since I first curated or reblogged an article post from The Daily Racewood. Currently, I have reblogged and republished 240 posts, articles, stories, and book reviews from various sources that talks about self-publishing and/or in one way or the other are related to self-publishing. I received 30 followers and an average of 20-30 visits to my blog per day. This is a huge success for me already since I started posting last November 19.

As a way of celebrating, I will redesign my blog for a better curation of various blogs out there that have informative content that needs the spotlight. This is my plan for the coming days until my first monthsary this 19th of December.

1.) Change my theme and lay-out

This is for proper categorization of blogs and also to make it easy for readers to browse through the various collections of self publishing blogs.

2.) Create specific categories

Currently, the categorization of my blog is a mess. There are still a lot of posts under the “Uncategorized” and lots of posts that are miscategorized.

3.) Proper citation of contents

Citing the original content owners will be prioritized and inserting The Curator‘s Code symbol on every post.

4.) Adding chat box

Adding chat box so that readers of this blog, as well as the followers, can interact with each other.

5.) And a lot more… ^_^


2 comments on “Project Redesign: Better Self-Publishing Blog Curation

  1. I’d appreciate it if you could give my blog a look. I plan to self publish my novel, Power of the Mages, next year and cover marketing and self publishing related topics.

    It’s at http://www.brianwfoster.com.



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